

Our Programs

We design and deliver a range of community programs, services and resources targeted at minimising alcohol and other drug-related harm. We know that healthy and resilient communities are the best way to minimise substance use problems.

Our programs work to minimise harm in specific environments, changing practices, knowledge and attitudes to create safer places for people to live, work and play.
We are proudly independent and co-design our evidence-based programs together with communities; supporting them to build local capacity to create change.

We’re happy to help. If you have any questions regarding a product or an order, please feel free to reach out to us at

Alcohol and other drug harms are prevalent in our community. They result both from individual lifestyle choices, and how we ‘organise’ our society. While we’re all ultimately responsible for our personal choices around tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical and illegal substance use, community prevention acknowledges that our behaviour is influenced by our social environment, and that this environment is powerful in its ability to prevent and minimise these harms.

In short, we are stronger and more effective in preventing and minimising alcohol and other drug harms when we prioritise partnerships, collaboration and long-term impact.

Community members know their communities best and have a huge advantage in affecting change. Whether a community is defined by a geographical area, religion, cultural background, language or just shared interests, the people within a community are essential to preventing and minimising alcohol and other drug harms. It’s easy to think this type of prevention is something only governments or researchers can influence and participate in, but prevention is far more democratic than that.

Many of the examples on this site are drawn from community-led initiatives, with approaches informed by the community’s members.

They highlight the difference that can be made when a community comes together to address a problem.

How communities can prevent alcohol and other drug harms
Research shows that creating connected communities is one of the keys to preventing and minimising alcohol and drug problems. In these communities people feel valued, supported and purposeful.

We’re stronger when we work together
Collaboration and learning from others is important. We want communities and individuals to feel supported to work for prevention in their local area – and for local leaders to have the skills and tools to create the change they want to see.

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation prioritises partnerships and collaboration to build strong alliances and strengthen our collective impact.

Supporting communities to work together to prevent and minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.

Providing community sporting club volunteers with free resources, training and guidance to build a healthy club environment.

A suite of resources to help educate communities about crystalline methamphetamine (‘ice’).

The National Alcohol and Other Drugs Excellence and Innovation Awards encourage, recognise and celebrate the achievements of the incredible people and organisations that do exceptional work to prevent and reduce the harm and impact of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) in Australia.
